Acosmism is a belief in metaphysics and theology that the universe and physics doesn't exist, is illusionary or merely an attribute of higher power/higher reality. According to Acosmism matter is fake entity and all things in the universe are illusions of the mind. It is either considered to be parallel to or the opposite of Pantheism.
History[edit | edit source]
Ancient[edit | edit source]
Acosmism was present in some Indian philosophies like Advaita that claimed that physical reality is ultimately false and illusionary (Maya) and only the higher reality (Brahman) is fully real. Maya is defined as the world of illusion, created by false self, perceiving it as the only reality, while the path of enlightenment is recognizing falsehood of the world and individual self, and recognizing the ultimate nature of Brahman and unity of the Self and the Absolute.
Enlightenment[edit | edit source]
George Berkeley claimed that material phenomena exist only when they are perceived by a conscious entity, and everything else is pure speculation. According to Berkeley, only God knows everything in the universe, because of His omniscience. Thus Berkeley denies existence of material universe and claims that only perception of conscious being makes it real.
Relations[edit | edit source]
Positive[edit | edit source]
- Idealism - Only the mental exists.
- Dualism - There is a distinction between the Divine (real) and the material (fake).
Mixed[edit | edit source]
Negative[edit | edit source]
- Materialism and Naturalism - Pure evil.