Alchemy is a philosophical and proto-scientific tradition that concerned with the transmutation of matter, in particular with attempts to convert base metals into gold or find a universal elixir.
Alchemy is a philosophical and proto-scientific tradition that concerned with the transmutation of matter, in particular with attempts to convert base metals into gold or find a universal elixir.
Theorists | Milesian School ⬦ Ephesian School ⬦ Pythagoreanism ⬦ Eleaticism ⬦ Euclideanism ⬦ Socratism ⬦ Platonism ⬦ Aristotelianism ⬦ Epicureanism ⬦ Avicennism ⬦ Averroism ⬦ Occamism ⬦
Baconianism ⬦ Cartesianism ⬦ Pascalism ⬦ Monadology ⬦ Newtonianism ⬦ Lockeanism ⬦ Berkeleyism ⬦ Humeanism ⬦ Bayesianism ⬦ Russellism ⬦ Wittgensteinism ⬦ Einsteinism ⬦ Lysenkoism ⬦ Popperism |
Methodology | |
Mathematics and IT | |
Physics, Chemistry and Cosmology | |
Biology, Medicine and Geoscience |