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    (Redirected from French Nietzscheanism)

    ‟That which does not kill us makes us stronger.”

    Friedrich Nietzsche

    Nietzscheanism is a philosophical theories of Nietzsche advocating the overcoming of both a threatening nihilism and a slave morality as exemplified for him in historical Christianity through a reevaluation of all values on the basis of a will to power epitomized in his doctrine of the superman and the idea of the eternal recurrence of all things.

    Philosophical Beliefs[edit | edit source]

    Will to Power[edit | edit source]

    Der Wille zur Macht, according to Nietzscheanism is the main driving force of humans. Nietzscheanism argues that this will-to-power is present in all life and it is even stronger than the will to survive. It is an innate cosmic drive to strive to perfect and transcend the self through the possession and exercise of creative power. Through this exercise all wills try to self-assert themselves against other wills that struggle to dominate them. In this way for Nietzscheanism, whole universe is a giant multi-directional struggle of wills-to-power.

    Übermensch[edit | edit source]

    Übermensch or the Overman is someone who in Nietzscheanism's view have truly become a free spirit. Creative, courageous and powerful individual that follows only what they believe is right and does not conform to the will of others. An Overman is not necesserly selfish but possesses specific self-awareness of their own will-to-power which allows them to navigate the world and their desires without lying to themselves or being distracted by anti-life ideals of resentment, hedonism or ascetism. Nietzscheanism believes that the Overman is goal that people should set themselves as something that they should strive to become.

    Master-Slave Morality[edit | edit source]

    Nietzscheanism considers two types of morality: the morality of masters and the morality of slaves, which determine the thinking of the strong and the weak, respectively. Master morality is selfish and individualistic in nature; its goal is to set the individual up for self-affirmation. According to master morality, “Good” is everything that leads to development and “Evil” to decline. Slave morality, in turn, is the opposite of this and is generated by “resentiment”, the envy of the weak towards the strong. Slave morality is altruistic and collectivist in nature, proclaiming its goal as the “common good.” “Good” in slave morality is idealized weaknesses such as humility, meekness and mercy. And “evil” in turn is the denigrated virtues of the strong such as anger, greed and pride.

    Eternal Recurrence[edit | edit source]

    According to Nietzscheanism there exists and eternal cycle of repeating similar circumstances in the world. This means humans will be forced to live through that eternally reoccurring circumstances, both the happy and the painful. Alternatively Recurrence can be interpreted as presence of repetition of both the joyous and tormenting aspects of life in everything. What Nietzscheanism considers most important about this, is the way humans will approach that fact. In Nietzscheanism's view, one should completely embrace the inevitable fate so that they can give meaning to their lives and embrace the joy of living rather than feel depressed about their own inability to avoid fate. To truly live for Nietzscheanism, one must accept both the happiness and suffering of life, and avoiding one or the other is something that leads to decadence and detachment from reality.

    Perspektivismus[edit | edit source]

    Perspectivism is an epistemological stance proposed by Friedrich Nietzsche that's influenced by Gustav Teichmüller term. He argued that there is no objective truth and thus there is no perfect perception of reality. He furthermore argued that continuing these imperfect interpertations of reality - rather than being satisfied with original interpertation - is the real way to love one's life and acknowledge the will-to-power.

    Political Beliefs[edit | edit source]

    Aristocratic Radicalism[edit | edit source]

    Nietzscheanism believes that hierarchies in society are completely natural and thinks that egalitarian ideas are detrimental to social order. He believes that an aristocratic upper-class is needed to devote themselves to creative and sophisticated activities that push civilization forward.

    Individualism[edit | edit source]

    Nietzscheanism mainly sees individualism as a set of desirable personality traits, such as noncomformism and originality. At the same time Nietzscheanism despises traditional liberalism, seeing it as synonymous with mediocrity and cultural decay. He also dislikes the capitalist elites blaming them for the rise of socialism and seeing them as merely people who got lucky with money, clearly inferior to military, artistic, scientific, philosophical and aristocratic elites that should make up the noble-class.

    Anti-Socialism[edit | edit source]

    According to Nietzscheanism, socialism is a "tyranny of the meanest and the dumbest". He believes that socialism, similarly to Christianity is an ideology for the resentful weak to impose their will upon great individuals. In the name of equality restricting them from exercising their potential.

    Anti-Altruism[edit | edit source]

    Nietzscheanism believes altruism and ethics based on altruist ideas, such as Christian ethics to be empty and false morality, whose followers are merely helping others for either selfish desire to see themselves as righteous or ascetic self-hatred, caused by decadent culture of rejecting life for the sake of non-existant afterlife. Nietzscheanism believes that helping each other should be something done out of one's own will, and feeling of connection to others rather than obedience to moral ideas.

    Variants[edit | edit source]

    Left-Nietzscheanism[edit | edit source]

    Left-wing Nietzscheanism is the interpretation of Nietzsche's thought alienated from the political left. This can be socialism, anarchism or even communism.

    Nietzschean Marxism[edit | edit source]

    Nietzschean Marxism refers to the philosophical system linking Nietzsche with Marxism, many of whose theorists were French Nietzscheans. It were affiliated with left-wing Nietzscheanism.

    Right-Nietzscheanism[edit | edit source]

    Right-wing Nietzscheanism is a branch of philosophy based on Nietzscheism, whose supporters are mostly Right-wing Anarchism, Evolaism, Reactionism, and traditionalism.

    Nietzschean Zionism[edit | edit source]

    Nietzschean Zionism refers to a philosophy based on Nietzscheanism and Zionism.WIP

    Personality[edit | edit source]

    Nietzscheanism may often seem a malcontent person, criticizing almost everything he approaches. He is a non-conformist that believes modern civilization to be riddled with sickness. He will often go on long ramblings on why something is wrong and how should it be fixed. In spite of his hate for Christianity and socialism, that he believes to deify weakness in its cult of false altruism, he can be a very empathetic ball surprisingly caring for the well-being of his friends. He also enjoys art and music in his free time.

    How to Draw[edit | edit source]

    1. Draw a dark grey (#222222) "Mine Shaft" colored ball
    2. Add overlapping Ü and M letters colored Gray85 (#d9d9d9)
    3. Add eyes and brown (#462918) moustache
    4. Done!

    Relationships[edit | edit source]

    Übermensch[edit | edit source]

    • Alexanderism - Alexander was a great man of action.
    • Aristocracy - It is natural that some people are better than others.
    • Bonapartism - "Napoleon, that synthesis of Monster and Übermensch."
    • Caesarism - Caesar was a great man of his time.
    • Cynicism - I wrote a book based on Diogenes.
    • Dostoevskianism - "The only psychologist from whom I've anything to learn.”
    • Egoism - When I think of Egoism, I see that self-respect, self-love and self-affirmation.
    • Eternalism - “This life as you now live it and have lived it,you will have to more and inunmerable times more;and there will be nothing in it.but every pain and every joy and every thought and sigh and everything unutterably small or great in your live will have to return to you and in the same succession and sequence... how will disposed would you have to become yourself and to live to crave nothing more fervently than this ultimate elernal confirmation and seal?”
    • Goetheanism - "Goethe—…a grand attempt to overcome the eighteenth century through a return to nature, through a going-up to the naturalness of the Renaissance, a kind of self-overcoming on the part of that century…He did not sever himself from life, he placed himself within it…and took as much as possible upon himself, above himself, within himself. What he aspired to was totality; he strove against the separation of reason, sensibility, emotion, will…; he disciplined himself to a whole, he created himself… Goethe conceived of a strong, highly cultured human being who, keeping himself in check and having reverence for himself, dares to allow himself the whole compass and wealth of naturalness, who is strong enough for this freedom; a man of tolerance, not out of weakness but out of strength, because he knows how to employ to his advantage what would destroy an average nature; a man to whom nothing is forbidden, except it be weakness, whether that weakness be called vice or virtue… A spirit thus emancipated stands in the middle of the universe with a joyful and trusting fatalism, in the faith that only what is separate and individual may be rejected, that in the totality everything is redeemed and affirmed—he no longer denies… But such a faith is the highest of all possible faiths: I have baptised it with the name Dionysus."
    • Individualism - My philosophy, a liberation from religion, authority, and a path to self-determination, I just wish some of you didn't breed mediocrity and conformity.
    • Islam - “Christianity destroyed for us the whole harvest of ancient civilization, and later it also destroyed for us the whole harvest of Mohammedan civilization. The wonderful culture of the Moors in Spain, which was fundamentally nearer to us and appealed more to our senses and tastes than that of Rome and Greece, was trampled down (—I do not say by what sort of feet—) Why? Because it had to thank noble and manly instincts for its origin—because it said yes to life, even to the rare and refined luxuriousness of Moorish life!… The crusaders later made war on something before which it would have been more fitting for them to have grovelled in the dust—a civilization beside which even that of our nineteenth century seems very poor and very “senile.”—What they wanted, of course, was booty: the orient was rich…. Let us put aside our prejudices! The crusades were a higher form of piracy, nothing more! The German nobility, which is fundamentally a Viking nobility, was in its element there: the church knew only too well how the German nobility was to be won…. The German noble, always the “Swiss guard” of the church, always in the service of every bad instinct of the church—but well paid…. Consider the fact that it is precisely the aid of German swords and German blood and valour that has enabled the church to carry through its war to the death upon everything noble on earth! At this point a host of painful questions suggest themselves. The German nobility stands outside the history of the higher civilization: the reason is obvious…. Christianity, alcohol—the two great means of corruption…. Intrinsically there should be no more choice between Islam and Christianity than there is between an Arab and a Jew. The decision is already reached; nobody remains at liberty to choose here. Either a man is a Chandala or he is not…. “War to the knife with Rome! Peace and friendship with Islam!”: this was the feeling, this was the act, of that great free spirit, that genius among German emperors, Frederick II. What! must a German first be a genius, a free spirit, before he can feel decently? I can’t make out how a German could ever feel Christian….”
    • Jesusism - "The word 'Christian' is a misunderstanding. There was only one Christian, and he died on the Cross"
    • Meritocracy - Merit is the only thing that matters.
    • Pascalianism - “The only logical Christian.”
    • Taoism - “Who, like me, has long been engaged in the contemplation of pessimism with some mystical longing, and has endeavoured to rescue it from the half-Christian, half-German narrowness and naivetism with which it has finally appeared before this century, in the form of Schopenhauer's philosophy; He who has once truly examined the most unworldly of all possible modes of thought with an Asian and trans-Asian eye - beyond good and evil, and no longer obsessed with moral magic and fantasy like Bodhisattvas and Schopenhauer - may thus, perhaps not really, open his eyes to the opposite ideal: The ideal of the man who is most indulgent, most energetic, most active in affirming the world; He not only learns to tolerate and harmonize with the past and the present, but seeks to regain possession of the past and the present as it existed; The man forever and avidly breathes repeatedly, not only to himself, but to the whole play, and not only to a play, but ultimately to the one who needs the play - who makes the play necessary, because he always needs himself again and again - and makes himself necessary. -- How can this be? Is it not Circulus vitionsus deus?”

    Frenemies[edit | edit source]

    • Aestheticism - “L'art pour l'art. — The fight against purpose in art is always a fight against the moralizing tendency in art, against its subordination to morality. L'art pour l'art means, "The devil take morality!" But even this hostility still betrays the overpowering force of the prejudice. When the purpose of moral preaching and of improving man has been excluded from art, it still does not follow by any means that art is altogether purposeless, aimless, senseless — in short, l'art pour l'art, a worm chewing its own tail. "Rather no purpose at all than a moral purpose!" — that is the talk of mere passion. A psychologist, on the other hand, asks: what does all art do? does it not praise? glorify? choose? prefer? With all this it strengthens or weakens certain valuations. Is this merely a "moreover"? an accident? something in which the artist's instinct had no share? Or is it not the very presupposition of the artist's ability? Does his basic instinct aim at art, or rather at the sense of art, at life? at a desirability of life? Art is the great stimulus to life: how could one understand it as purposeless, as aimless, as l'art pour l'art?”
    • Buddhism - "I could be the Buddha of Europe: though admittedly an antipode to the Indian Buddha."
    • Nietzschean Marxism - I don't trust that your communism is any different from the resentfulness of the so-called utopian socialists, but many of my later theorists in France were influenced by you.
    • Nihilism - “Nihilism appears at that point, not that the displeasure at existence has become greater than before but because one has come to mistrust any “meaning” in suffering, indeed in existence. One interpretation has collapsed; but because it was considered the interpretation it now seems as if there were no meaning at all in existence, as if everything were in vain.”
    • Randianism - Ayn Rand used to like me until she abandoned me for rationalism.
    • Redbeardianism - You have gone too far...
    • Right-Nietzscheanism - “a reversion a return inany sense or degree is simply not possible.”
    • Schopenhauerism - Influenced my idea of the will to power but your denial of life is nihilistic.
    • Zoroastrianism - I based the Übermensch on you, but don't get it twisted,your religion is build on slave morality.

    Enemies[edit | edit source]

    • All of Socialist & Socialism - “When the Christian condermns, slanders, and besmirches the "world," his instinct is the same as the socialist worker's instinct to condermns, slanders, and besmirches society. The 'Last judgment' is the sweet comfort of revenge - the revolution, which the socialist workers are also awaits, but considered as a little farther off.”
    • Altruism Collectivism - "Give us the last man, Zarathustra, and let us be the last man! We'll give you Superman."
    • Christianity - “What could destroy us more quickly than working, thinking and feeling without any inner necessity, without any deeply personal choice, without pleasure - as a automaton of 'duty'? This is the recipe for decadence and even idiocy.”
    • Capitalism - Poverty, cheerfulness, and independence—it is possible to find these three qualities combined in one individual; poverty, cheerfulness, and slavery—this is likewise a possible combination: and I can say nothing better to the workmen who serve as factory slaves; presuming that it does not appear to them altogether to be a shameful thing to be utilized as they are, as the screws of a machine and the stopgaps, as it were, of the human spirit of invention. Fie on the thought that merely by means of higher wages the essential part of their misery, i.e. their impersonal enslavement, might be removed! Fie, that we should allow ourselves to be convinced that, by an increase of this impersonality within the mechanical working of a new society, the disgrace of slavery could be changed into a virtue! Fie, that there should be a regular price at which a man should cease to be a personality and become a screw instead! Are you accomplices in the present madness of nations which desire above all to produce as much as possible, and to be as rich as possible? Would it not be your duty to present a counter-claim to them, and to show them what large sums of internal value are wasted in the pursuit of such an external object?
    • Darwinism - “Species do not grow more perfect: the weaker dominate the strong, again and again- the reason being that they are the great majority, and they are also cleverer. Darwin forgot the mind (―that is English!): the weak possess more mind. ... To acquire mind, one must need mind―one loses it when one no longer needs it.”
    • Democracy - “Collective Degeneration of man.”
    • Free Will - You're a lie.
    • Hegelianism - “We have experienced the consequences of that doctrine, which is, of course, praised by all minds, that the state is the highest goal of mankind, and that there is no higher duty for a man than to serve his state: in which I recognize not a regression to the heroic age, but a regression to folly. It may well be that such a man, who regards the service of his country as his highest duty, sees no higher duty indeed.”
    • Kantianism - A serious philosopher, but I disagree with almost everything he said.
    • Moralism - "poisonous vegetation which has grown out of such decomposition poisons lift itself for millennia with its fumes."
    • Marxism Communism - "The unity of all forms of corruption must be grasped; And don't forget the corruption of Christianity... Nor should we forget the socialist-communist corruption (which is a result of Christian corruption)."
    • Nationalism - "The history of remembrance can never have complete truth, it will always put together what is discordant and unite it in harmony, it will always weaken the differences of motive and timing. The aim is not to speak of cause, but only of effect - that is, as an example to be followed, the ‘history of remembrance’ is as far away from cause as possible. Far from hyperbole, we may call it a collection of ‘consequences of their own’ rather than a collection of ‘events that have had an impact on all ages.’ Wars or religious events that are celebrated in popular remembrance are some of these ‘consequences of their own accord.’"
    • Pacifism - Believes that maintaining peace is the only way to make the world perfect, but does not realize that struggle is getting rid of imperfection.
    • Platonism - “Do not let anyone suggest Plato to me. In regard to Plato I am a thorough skeptic, and have never been able to agree to the admiration of Plato the artist, which is traditional among scholars.”
    • Wagnerism and other Anti-Semities - How do you think I feel when the name Zarathustra is mouthed by anti-Semites?
    • Socratism - You're the reason the Greeks fell into decadence.
    • Scientism -“Where is isn't latest expression of the ascetic ideal-and the exceptions are too rare, noble, and atypical to refute the general propostion - Science today is a hiding plate for every kind of discontent, disbelive, gnawing wing, despectio sui, bad conseience - it is the unrest of the lack of ideas, the surffering form the lack of any great love, the discontert in the face of involuntary contertment.”

    Quotes[edit | edit source]

    “God Is Dead, and We Have Killed Him.”

    "to close the open hand out of love, and keep modest as a giver."

    “To Live Is to Suffer, to Survive Is to Find Some Meaning in the Suffering.”

    Gallery[edit | edit source]

    Portraits[edit | edit source]

    Further Information[edit | edit source]

    Wikipedia[edit | edit source]

    Literature[edit | edit source]

    Books by Nietzsche[edit | edit source]

    • The Birth of Tragedy (Out of the Spirit of Music), 1872
    • Philosophy in the Tragic Age of the Greeks, 1873 (incomplete)
    • Untimely Meditations, 1873
      • Schopenhauer as Educator by, 1874
    • On the Use and Abuse of History for Life, 1874
    • Human, All Too Human: A Book for Free Spirits, 1878
      • Assorted Opinions and Maxims, 1879
      • The Wanderer and His Shadow, 1882
    • Man Alone with Himself, 1878
    • The Dawn of Day by, 1880
    • The Gay Science, 1883
    • Thus Spoke Zarathustra, 1886
    • Beyond Good and Evil: Prelude to a Philosophy, 1886
    • On the Genealogy of Morality, 1887
    • The Case of Wagner, 1888
    • The Twilight of the Idols, 1888
    • The Antichrist, 1888
    • Ecce Homo: How One Becomes What One Is, 1888
    • Nietzsche contra Wagner, 1888

    Essays and Notes[edit | edit source]

    • On the Pathos of Truth by Friedrich Nietzsche, 1872
    • On Truth and Lies in a Nonmoral Sense by Friedrich Nietzsche, 1873
    • The Will to Power by Friedrich Nietzsche, 1889
    • Dionysian Dithyrambs by Friedrich Nietzsche, 1891

    By Others[edit | edit source]

    1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ll-qUSNzxE8 Nietzsche Contra Capitalism
    2. In The Will to Power, Nietzsche made a severe opposition to the state, nationalism, socialist-communism, feminism, anarchism and civilization.
    3. "The unity of all forms of corruption must be grasped; And don't forget the corruption of Christianity... Nor can we forget the Socialist-Communist corruption (which is a consequence of Christian corruption) "- Friedrich Nietzsche, The Will to Power, vol. 2, 14" 6"
    4. Although Nietzsche was critical of religion, he still didn't think of all religions as useless.
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