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    (Redirected from Metaphysical Nominalism)

    "I maintain that a universal is not something real that exists in a subject ... but that it has a being only as a thought-object in the mind"

    Nominalism is a philosophical concept that asserts that only individual objects and their properties exist, and that general or abstract concepts are merely names or labels we use to describe them. This view opposes the idea of universals, which are believed to be real entities that exist independently of individual objects. It is the opposite of Metaphysical Platonism.

    Nominalists argue that when we talk about things like "beauty" or "justice," we are really just referring to a collection of individual instances of those qualities. They believe that these concepts do not have any inherent existence beyond our use of language.

    One famous proponent of metaphysical nominalism was William of Ockham, who argued that the simplest explanation is usually the correct one. He believed in a principle called "Ockham's Razor", which states that when there are multiple explanations for something, the one with the fewest assumptions should be preferred.

    While metaphysical nominalism has been criticized for its rejection of universals and its potential implications for moral philosophy, it remains an important perspective in contemporary philosophy.

    Variants[edit | edit source]

    Metaphysical Nominalism[edit | edit source]

    Conceptual Nominalism[edit | edit source]

    Conceptual Nominalism suggests that metaphysical concepts are merely linguistic conventions or labels without inherent reality.

    Mathematical Nominalism[edit | edit source]

    Mathematical Nominalism holds that mathematical objects and concepts are merely human constructions or linguistic entities without any independent existence beyond our conceptual frameworks or language games. Nominalists argue that mathematical truths are not discovered but rather invented or constructed by humans based on practical considerations or conventions. This view opposes Mathematical Platonism, which asserts that mathematical objects and truths have an objective and independent existence regardless of human thought.

    Epistemological Nominalism[edit | edit source]

    Epistemic Nominalism holds that these abstract concepts do not have an independent or objective existence outside of human thought or language.

    History[edit | edit source]

    Metaphysical nominalism is a philosophical concept that has its roots in ancient Greece. It is the belief that only individual objects and their properties exist, and that abstract concepts such as universals or essences are merely names or labels we use to describe them. This idea was further developed by medieval philosophers such as William of Ockham, who argued that the only things that exist are particular things, and that general concepts are simply mental constructs.

    The history of metaphysical nominalism is complex and varied, with different philosophers offering their own interpretations of the concept over time. Some have seen it as a way to reject traditional metaphysics and focus on empirical observation instead, while others have used it to argue for the existence of God or other spiritual entities.

    Despite its long history, metaphysical nominalism remains a controversial topic in philosophy today. Some argue that it leads to a kind of relativism where there are no objective truths or values, while others see it as an important tool for understanding the world around us. Regardless of one's perspective on this issue, however, there can be no doubt that metaphysical nominalism has had a significant impact on philosophical thought throughout history.

    Beliefs[edit | edit source]

    Metaphysical nominalism is a philosophical belief that denies the existence of abstract entities and universals. According to this view, only individual objects and particular qualities exist in reality, while general concepts like "beauty" or "justice" are mere mental constructs that do not correspond to anything real.

    Nominalists argue that language and thought create these abstract concepts, but they do not have any objective existence outside of human minds. They reject the idea that there is a universal essence or form shared by all members of a category, such as the Platonic idea of the perfect circle.

    This belief has significant implications for epistemology and ontology. Nominalists reject the possibility of knowledge about abstract entities because they do not exist in reality. They also deny the existence of necessary connections between things because these connections rely on universal concepts.

    In conclusion, metaphysical nominalism is a philosophical belief that challenges traditional views about the nature of reality and knowledge. It offers an alternative perspective on how we understand our world and our place within it.

    Relationships[edit | edit source]

    Friends[edit | edit source]

    • Conceptualism - My brother. We both hate those stupid realists.
    • Occamism - One of, if not the most, famous students of mine.
    • Materialism - You don't allow for universals.
    • Enlightenment Philosophy - Thank you for challenging the West's traditional belief systems. You can take credit for making me the starting point of most modern philosophies.
    • Voluntarism & Empiricism - We often go hand in hand.

    Frenemies[edit | edit source]

    • Post-Modernism - Woah, too far, buddy. I reject universals, not truth itself.
    • Scholasticism - Some of you love me, others want to tear me to pieces.
    • Scotism - You might not have fully embraced my ideas, but you took a step in the right direction.
    • Monism - Could either be extremely based or extremely cringe.

    Enemies[edit | edit source]

    Further Information[edit | edit source]

    Wikipedia[edit | edit source]

    Theorists[edit | edit source]

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