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    Philosophyball Wiki

    Nihilism is a philosophical concept that states that there is no objective purpose, absolute meaning or value. He views beliefs and social norms as illusory constructs lacking objectivity. The term originates from Latin "nihil," meaning "nothing."Nihilists deny the concepts of “morality,” “values,” “truth,” and “existence” itself, believing that these are false constructs and that nothing exists objectively. Nietzsche distinguishes passive nihilism (rejecting structures without alternatives) from active nihilism (creating new values). Nihilism challenges politics, religion, and society, often criticized for neglecting ethics and the search for meaning in human life.

    Variants[edit | edit source]

    Black Nihilism[edit | edit source]

    Epistemological Nihilism[edit | edit source]

    Epistemological Nihilism is a philosophical position that holds that knowledge and truth are either unattainable or impossible to achieve. According to epistemological nihilism, there is no way to know anything with certainty, and all claims to knowledge or truth are inherently flawed or uncertain.

    Moral Nihilism[edit | edit source]

    Moral Nihilism is a philosophical position that holds that moral values and ethical principles are baseless, meaningless, or non-existent. According to moral nihilism, there are no objective or universal moral standards or values, and ethical principles are simply human inventions or social constructs. This means that actions cannot be morally right or wrong, good or evil, and that there is no ultimate purpose or goal to morality.

    Existential Nihilism[edit | edit source]

    Existential Nihilism is a philosophical position that holds that life has no intrinsic meaning, purpose, or value. According to existential nihilism, human existence is fundamentally absurd and without objective meaning or significance. This can lead to feelings of despair, alienation, and anxiety, as individuals struggle to find a sense of purpose or direction in a meaningless world.

    Metaphysical Nihilism[edit | edit source]

    Metaphysical Nihilism is a philosophical position that holds that there is no ultimate reality or metaphysical foundation to the universe. According to metaphysical nihilism, reality is ultimately meaningless, non-existent, or unknowable, and any attempts to understand or explain it are futile.

    Political Nihilism[edit | edit source]

    Queer Nihilism[edit | edit source]

    Queer Nihilism, also called Gender Nihilism, is a philosophy advocating for the eradication of gender from society, rooted in anti-humanist queer feminism. It posits that the self is solely defined by social structures, with gender being an instrument of power. Queer nihilism aims to dismantle gender-based oppression by rejecting identity categories and advocating for the destruction of gender as an institution.

    In this form of nihilism it is believed that the self is entirely defined by social structure, and that at the core it is nothing until it interacts with said social structure. Queer nihilism focuses on how this philosophy applies to gender specifically. Queer nihilism declares that gender is an instrument created by institutions of power, and believes that the best/only way to get rid of the chains of gender-based oppression is to have the instrument destroyed. It seeks to combat the need for an identity, and believes that identity categories are simply not worth it.

    Queer nihilism does not seek to restrict people's expressions, or prevent them from doing what they want with their bodies. These expressions would not disappear but queer nihilism would mean that none of these gendered traits would be gendered. People would be free to exist in whatever way they do, without the chains of misogyny, transmisogyny, and heterosexism. Categories like "man", "woman", "non-binary", "cis", and "trans" would cease to exist and would no longer make sense as categories. As there is no longer gender, there would no longer be gender minorities, and therefore no longer the possibility of gender based oppression.

    Religious Nihilism[edit | edit source]

    Religious Nihilism is a philosophical position that life on earth is fundamentally pointless. According to Religious Nihilism, secular values and desires are also pointless and must be abandoned in order to gain transcendence in afterlife.

    Christian Antimoralism[edit | edit source]

    Christian Antimoralism holds that God is not a moralist and that biblical references to sin, demons, good and evil are not be understand as moral qualities but rather existential conditions. Christian Antimoralism is opposed to moralism utilized my organized religion. Also, theistic amoralism can be seen as the belief that God is a morally transcendent being, transcending human ethical categories, thus describing God exclusively from the spiritual side, ignoring ethical aspects.

    Personality[edit | edit source]

    Nihilism is extremely unemotional and does not believe in anything. He is very indifferent and apatheic.

    Relationships[edit | edit source]

    Relationships do not matter anyway.

    Gallery[edit | edit source]

    Further Information[edit | edit source]

    Nihilism didn't have sense for this, but he cares about..?

    Wikipedia[edit | edit source]

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