Occultism is beliefs and practices that seek to utilize supernatural knowledge that goes beyond the scope of organized religion and science.
Variants[edit | edit source]
Black Magic[edit | edit source]
Black Magic has traditionally referred to the use of supernatural powers or magic for evil purposes.
Black magicians believe in Darkness, Dark Energy. They strive to achieve unity with the highest dark force, and use dark energy for their own development.Black magic can include various malicious combat techniques, strengthening everything “dark” including, for example, one’s own negative emotions, mental influence, invocation of the energies of Darkness, etc.
Ariosophy[edit | edit source]
Ariosophy is an occult doctrine which was developed during the late 1800s up until the early 1900s by Guido von List and Jörg Lanz von Liebenfels. It combined a wide range of religious and occult ideas with racialism, believing that the aryan race is superior to other races. The ideology is often believed to be a precursor to National Socialism.
Nazi Occultism[edit | edit source]
Nazi Occultism, also known as Aryanism refers to the interpretation of Nazism in a mystical form.
Aryanism worships the concept of the "Aryan race" believing that Aryans are the highest divine beings. Aryanists strive to achieve unity with this higher principle and believe in perfect personality characteristics such as completely white albino appearance.
Rosicrucianism[edit | edit source]
Rosicrucianism is a WIP