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    Hello, I'm Altem101.

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    Influences[edit source]


    Philosophy[edit source]

    The Truth[edit source]

    "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

    – Gospel of John 3:16

    I am a firm believer in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. The Christian faith is what informes and permeates evrything that I believe in. God is the centre of all and all of our doctrines must always start with who God is. I hold to all the central Christian beliefs such as the Trinity, Jesus' death and resurrection, the Nicene creed, the Athanasian creed, Chalcedonian Christology, the infallibility of the Holy Scripture etc. I'm also a member of the Lutheran tradition, specifically a more Confessional form of Lutheranism. Although, my faith isn't just "intellectual" as that wouldn't be real faith, faith must be based in Christ and be one's entire life.

    God beyond God[edit source]

    "“But,” he said, “you cannot see my face, for no one may see me and live.”"

    – Exodus 33:20

    Referent and Reference[edit source]

    "‘For in him we live and move and have our being.’ As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are his offspring.’"

    – Acts 17:28

    Liturgical Metaphysics[edit source]

    Let the rivers clap their hands, let the mountains sing together for joy.

    - Psalm 98:8

    Mount of the Soul[edit source]

    "No, we declare God’s wisdom, a mystery that has been hidden and that God destined for our glory before time began."

    – 1 Corinthians 2:7

    Primacy of the Incarnation[edit source]

    "Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made."

    – Gospel of John 1:3

    The Cosmic Fall[edit source]

    For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it.

    – Romans 8:20

    Opinions[edit source]

    • Christian Mysticism
      Mysticism should and must be a big part of the Christian life and thinking. Theosis is based.
    • Neoplatonism
      The best non-Christian philosophy out there. Perfect when combined with THE true religion.
    • Lutheranism
      My tradition! It's too bad that you had some n*minalist tendencies.
    • Mystical Theology
      "The Mystical Theology" is probably one of most beautiful descriptions of God that I've ever read. Just be sure to not forget Jesus.
    • Platonism
      Imagine being a gentile who's never heard of Christ and still be so right, impressive.
    • Orthodoxy
      As a Luteran I'm kind of skeptical of a lot of your theology. Still, theosis, your focus on mysteries, and your views on metaphysics & ontology are good.
    • Thomism
      I can't deny that you've done a lot for our theological thinking. I just think that your overemphasis on human reason and love of Aristotle are a bit much.
    • Heraclitianism
      The duality of the ever changing world and the unchanging Logos is somewhat valid.
    • Scotism
      Not as bad as the later nominalist scholastics, but your thought marked the beginning of the decline.
    • Calvinism
      The reason why I don't use the label "protestant" to refer to myself.
    • Nietzscheanism
      Pretty much my opposite. The only reason why I'm not putting you in F- is your love of vitality. Although, vitality must be combined with a Godfearing discipline.
    • Occamism
      I can see some merit in that you went against the scholastics who had been filled with human pride. However, your philosophy and theology is awful. Everything from your nominalism to your voluntarism, awful.
    • Cartesianism
      The man who destroyed philosophy and, subsequently, the West.
    • Individualism
      One of the most evil forces which is currently poisoning the West.
    • Nominalism
      The philosophy which started it all...

    Notes[edit source]

    1. They have influenced me to various degrees, some more and some less. It is also important to carefully curate some teachings as certain figures are on the verge of heresy and others are specifically non-Christian.
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